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Deputy Prime Minister Stefanishyna Praises N4CB Project’s Role in Preparing Ukrainian Negotiators for EU Accession Talks

June 11, 2024

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olga Stefanishyna, highlighted the significant role of the N4CB Project in preparing Ukrainian government officials for upcoming EU accession talks.

Source: College of Europe in Natolin


Funded by the European Union, the N4CB Project provides a comprehensive training program for Ukrainian negotiators. This program combines online learning modules with intensive on-site, project-based training at the prestigious College of Europe in Natolin, Poland.

“Over the past two years, marked by both conflict and our European integration efforts, the College of Europe in Natolin has become a key institution for training our mid-level and senior civil servants who will be future negotiators,” emphasized Ms. Stefanishyna.

You can watch the full interview here.

The N4CB Project is committed to supporting Ukraine’s public administration in implementing reforms and effectively navigating the EU accession process. By equipping Ukrainian representatives with the necessary knowledge and skills, the project plays a vital role in paving the way for a successful EU membership for Ukraine.

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